The holiday season is the perfect time to gather the family together around a good meal. But it’s not always easy to please everyone with the choice of recipes. Tired of traditional recipes? Overwhelmed by the work and craziness of the holidays? Don’t worry! Whether your family is big, overwhelmed or vegetarian, we have a holiday menu that’s right for you!
The big family
Ces oncles, ces tantes et ces nombreux cousins et cousines que vous ne voyez qu’une fois par année débarquent à la maison pour le souper des Fêtes et vous vous perdez déjà dans la multiplication des recettes. L’envie d’abandonner et de tout simplement commander de la pizza vous prend soudainement? Lorsqu’on reçoit un grand groupe, osez la simplicité et misez sur la préparation en avance pour éviter l’épuisement au moment du fameux repas. Sinon, déléguer les tâches dans un immense repas-partage (ou pot-luck) peut vous faire gagner beaucoup de temps (et de patience). Assurez-vous seulement que vos tantes n’amènent pas toutes du sucre à la crème!
Aunts, uncles and the many cousins that you only see once a year all over at your place for the holiday dinner and you’ve already gotten lost in gazillion recipes you have to make. Feel like giving it all up and just ordering a pizza instead? When you host a large group, go for simplicity and focus on preparing in advance to avoid burning yourself out at the time of the famous meal. Otherwise, delegate tasks for a big potluck. That’ll save you lots of time (and patience)! Just make sure it’s not just your aunties who bring the sweets!
Your menu
1- Hot spinach and artichoke dip, signed Cynthia Marcotte (from 8 to 12 servings)
2- Big batch spaghetti sauce (from 30 to 40 servings)
The overwhelmed family
The days are flying by so quickly that you didn’t see the December 25 arrive? With work, obligations, family and the hectic holiday season, time is lacking for a lot of people. To avoid ordering fast food or eating cereal for Christmas dinner, why not plan in advance this year? It’s always possible to plan Christmas dinner with meal prep techniques. If you don’t have time to plan everything before the big day, here are some quick and easy recipes that won’t look like they’ve been made at the last minute.
Your menu
3- Roasted pork tenderloin with maple glaze
The original family
Your family isn’t like any other and you never follow tradition? No problem! There’s nothing wrong with being different. Some even say that there’s beauty in diversity. So this year, forget about the turkey, gravy, meat pie and the Christmas log. We suggest a out-of-the-ordinary menu that should get your guests out of their comfort zone. We suggest a out-of-the-ordinary menu that should get your guests out of their comfort zone. Reimagine the holidays your way and let your imagination go. In fact, maybe the only tradition for your family is to never do the same thing every year!
Your menu
1- Spanakopita
The traditional family
Unlike the original family, yours has always been loyal to its habits since the beginning. You’re a maniac for meat pies and you’ve been dreaming about that Christmas log since the 1st of November. For your family, Christmas is the more important holiday of the year, so it’s essential for you to be faithful to your habits. Traditions are essential and without them, Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas! Every year, each family member plays a specific role. Your Auntie Susan makes her famous apple pie, your Cousin Steve takes care of the cranberry sauce and everybody else brings wine. Finally, there’s nothing left to do but eat!
Your menu
4- Yule log
The sweet family
Your family’s sweet tooth is so sweet that it isn’t that uncommon to partake in the desserts before the main meal? Perfect! Our special sweet-tooth menu offers only delish desserts to be enjoyed — no regrets! So as not to feel too guilty during the evening, we’ve added a brownie that has a secret veggie inside: sweet peas! Shhh… Your guests don’t have to know. As well as our 4 gourmet dessert recipes, get inspiration from 15 perfect Christmas dessert recipes.
Your menu
2- White chocolate cranberry layer cake
The vegetarian family
Being a vegetarian shouldn’t keep anyone from enjoying dishes during the holiday season. Contrary to what many people think, vegetarians and even vegans don’t eat just veggies. This year, whether out of curiosity or principle, try our vegetarian menu that has a few vegan alternatives and we guarantee that no one in your family will miss the classic roast turkey. You can offer your guests vegetarian appetizers when hosting during the holidays. You can offer your guests vegetarian appetizers when hosting during the holidays. Have fun!
Votre menu
1- Cream of broccoli and cauliflower
The second family
Vous passez Noël loin de la maison, entre amis ou chez votre belle-famille? Il est tout de même possible de se réunir autour d’un bon repas des Fêtes. Dans ce cas, on mise sur les recettes conviviales qui ne se prennent pas trop au sérieux. Les amis ne sont pas là pour juger. Avec la belle-famille, pourquoi ne pas réinventer les classiques et essayer un bar à pizza, à sandwichs ou même à tacos! Si vous préférez mettre la main à la pâte, testez notre menu facile et rapide plein de saveurs à cuisiner sans stress.
You’re spending Christmas far from home, with friends or with your in-laws? You can still get together for a good Christmas meal. In this case, rely on user-friendly recipes that are fun. Friends aren’t there to judge. With the in-laws, why not reimagine classics and try a pizza, sandwich or even taco bar! If you prefer to get your hands dirty, test out our stress-free, quick and easy menu that’s chock full of flavours.
Your menu
1- Clementine and cranberry christmas punch
2- Savoury bacon ,cheddar and veggie muffins
3- Slow cooker maple blade roast
So what kind of family do you have? Let us know in the comments section. On behalf of the entire Arctic Gardens team, we wish you a very happy holiday season!